Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Why Invest in Gold?

Written by Gold Guru, I am submitting on behalf of Gold Guru. Read his bio at the end of this page.

Why invest in gold?

Gold has fascinated humans over the centuries as a store of real value. Many people view gold as the real form of money. In many instances, we are often challenged by the view that gold does not yield interest and hence it is a poor form of investment. However, gold investment yields us more than just interest but a real storage of intrinsic value. The important question is why must we invest in gold or at least allocate a small portion of our wealth in gold? The answer shall be revealed shortly.

Investors have different forms of investment vehicles such as equities, bonds, properties etc. One common class of asset missing is definitely the precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum etc. Just look at the number of investors rushing into commodities’ funds in 2006 and you can see that many realize too late that this class of investment was underweighted in their portfolios. As for myself, I chose gold as the class of natural resources to go into or I should say that I focus on my area of expertise which is gold investing.

Back in 1999 and 2000, when the world is going crazy over internet companies with little earnings, gold was trading in the USD 200-300/oz range. However, no one like gold as investors can make money faster in internet companies following the herd. Gold was unloved as an investment class back then and it offered a window of opportunity for those who knew the real value of gold. I started accumulating gold back then as I felt that gold was too cheap in real terms when we factored in inflation. Also, gold accumulation did something wonderful for me that it attracted more money into my life. Say you like to have $X every month coming into your life, a easy way is to hold $X worth of gold as your “wealth magnet”. As usual, many may think that this is totally crazy but then the key question is are you ready to try out this method or you are ready to dismiss it as a myth. I chose to explore for myself if it was a myth and I found out that it worked perfectly for me. After I started to accumulate gold, I measured the value of my gold on a monthly basis and my net income flow for each month, Guess what happened? Yes, my monthly income flow tracked the value of my gold closely each month and my networth increased steadily.

Amazing right? Perhaps it is time for you to stop buying lottery hoping for Lady Luck to visit you. Create for yourself a wealth magnet today and whenever you desire an increase in income flow, you just get out there to buy gold. I will tell you what and how to buy in my next article. Meanwhile, read more on gold and its magical effect on your wealth.

Source by Yoong Kheong Fong

Why Invest in Gold?

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