Sunday, March 29, 2015

Profit From Gold: Gold Investing Information

There is no point in contesting a very obvious fact. Gold is the one commodity which has out-performed every other commodity in the past 10 years. In April 2001, gold prices stood at just $280 per ounce. By August 2011, the price per ounce had risen to $1,913 per ounce. These days, gold prices hover around $1500-$1600 but the good thing is that the price can still rise in the short term. For people who are interested in taking advantage of gold investing information, there are many ways to make money from this precious metal.

For the more conservative investor, the best move would be to buy gold and hold on to the metal for a while and then sell it when the price appreciates. There is no risk in this option because from all indications, the price of gold is likely to rise some more in the short term. All the relevant economic indicators support this assertion. Usually, gold prices rise when there is inflation. Gold prices also increase when currency values fall and when countries are battling with huge debts. The American dollar is losing value, inflation is rising globally and countries like Portugal, Greece, Spain, Ireland and Italy are heavily in debt. This means that the best time to invest in gold is now.

Investors who may not want to buy gold can still make money from this precious metal in other ways. One smart option is to buy stocks in companies that mine gold. Investors who prefer Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) can simply put their money in such funds. Some ETFs have increased more than 200% in the last 8 years. More adventurous investors can simply invest in African companies. Ghana and South Africa are the preferred destinations because these are some of the major gold producing countries in the world. It is also a good idea to keep an idea on innovative companies who are expanding their gold seeking efforts. New technology is allowing some companies to explore the bed of the Atlantic Ocean off Africa for gold deposits.

Investing in gold has always been an excellent idea. The current economic realities in Europe and America mean there is money to be made in gold People who want to take advantage of the present opportunities should look for gold dealers or additional gold investing information without delay. This is perhaps the right time for such actions.

Source by Mark G Miller

Profit From Gold: Gold Investing Information

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