Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Real Estate Trends For Spring and Summer

Predicting real estate trends is an iffy proposition, but there are some trends that come around each and every year. We are just starting one of those trends.

As we roll into the month of May, we are fully into spring and summer is just around the corner. Yes, there is still some weird weather around the country, but there is no denying it is warming up. If you are looking to buy or sell a home, this is really good news. Why? The real estate market is warming up as well.

Predictions for the real estate market are often not worth the paper they are written on. Read two articles in two different publicans and they will say the exact opposite thing. One will say housing is ready to come back. The other will declare that we haven’t bottomed out yet. So, who do you trust? Beats me, but there is one common sense trend you can take into account each and every year.

As the weather warms up, so does the real estate market. After all, who wants to go driving around in the bitter cold to shop for a home? Well, there are a few hardy souls who will do it, but you know what I mean. In states that have fairly warm weather year around such as Southern California and Arizona, the real estate market is already in full swing. In colder markets such as New York and Illinois, May is usually the turning month. This is particularly true with the late storms we have been seeing this year.

The common perception is we are in a slow real estate market. This is somewhat true. A more accurate statement is we are in a buyers’ market. Homes are selling, but not at the mad hatter pace we saw a few years back. Even in a “slow” market, you can expect to see the action hot and heavy in May and June.

You will note I didn’t mention July or August. There is a reason. There is a trend within a trend. July and August are not slow times in the real estate market, but they are not the busiest. Why? Kids. The kids are all out of school. This tends to translate to family vacations, which more or less slows things down a bit in real estate. As we enter September, things will pick up again through the rest of the fall.

Sellers or buyers market, spring is always a time when the real estate market picks up. If you are looking to buy or sell, now is the time to act.

Real Estate Trends For Spring and Summer

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