Sunday, March 1, 2015

Preservation of Wealth (POW) - An Objective, Expert Review

Arriving at this Preservation of Wealth (POW) review, you’re most likely one of two people: 1) Somebody who realizes the U.S. dollar is going in the toilet and understands how important it is to invest in gold and silver precious metals 2) You’re looking at Preservation of Wealth (POW) to acquire these precious metals as a consumer as well as a build a business.

In this Preservation of Wealth Review, I’ll address both sides as well as other facets of the company you’ll want to consider, whether you’re focused on just accumulating precious metals or also building a residual income.

It’s no mystery that the value of the American dollar isn’t going north anytime soon. What does this really mean regarding planning for your future? With hyperinflation predicted to be here by the end of 2012, what investments have the least risk and most payoff in hedging against inflation? I’m not a wealth advisor nor do I give financial advice to anyone.

I can definitely tell you one thing for sure; I’m not letting some financial advisor (no offense to the many awesome ones out there) manage my portfolio and diversify it with a traditional IRA and a bunch of mutual funds. THAT is how my parents and the rest of middle America have stayed ‘just over broke’ for the last 30 yrs and in many cases, lost it all.

Given that you realize why you require to invest in precious metals using a wholesale buying club like Preservation of Wealth or one of the retail sources out there, the key future factor will of course to know when to sell. I am grateful to be plugged in to people like world-advisor on gold & silver, Mike Maloney for preemptive and timely strategy on this.

According to Mike, who advises governments across the globe, “The US Dollar’s inflationary death spiral continues. We’ve now taken out the 2010 low leaving only two more lines of support before we’re in completely uncharted territory.”

He continues, “At its current rate of collapse, the US Dollar will do this within the next 3-4 months. This means the greenback will break into a new all-time lows by 2H11, which will precipitate the coming inflationary collapse.”

Go see chart on my blog (link in signature box) shows the US Dollar right now, & Silver Bullion Price Charts from the last 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. The numbers are staggering when you see them visually and they were certainly a wake up call for me.

No wonder then why both Gold and Silver just hit new highs for their current bull markets. As the greenback keeps dropping like a rock, and rumors of QE 3 swirling around the financial community, what sane investor would consider betting against inflation?

Mike goes on, “Now is the time to be shifting capital into inflation hedges. Those who buy Gold and Silver will likely do very well in the coming months (my personal view is Gold will clear $1,500 and Silver $40 this year).”

These scary stats are a clue: it’s time to start accumulating precious metals; whether you buy wholesale from Preservation of Wealth or pay retail prices from online sources or the other gold and silver MLM’s.

Mike Maloney has some great content on gold and silver, and does offer it for sale as well, but at high retail prices with broker’s fees and other mark ups. You can also purchase gold and silver from Numis Network, but you’ll pay retail prices and get metals that are only graded by one of the three main grading companies. Preservation of Wealth is more for those looking to accumulate precious metals and Numis Network is geared more towards coin collectors.

While I prefer to buy my gold and silver from the Preservation of Wealth wholesale buyer’s club and recommend my family to do the same, I DO NOT focus on building it as my primary business. While precious metals are important, it’s not where my true passion is.

If you’re a consumer looking for the best place to purchase gold & silver, there’s a good chance your asking yourself the question, “Is Preservation of Wealth (POW) a Scam???”

Of course this is probably less like if you’re already in the network marketing industry and looking at the Preservation of Wealth business opportunity. I can tell you that I’ve received my metals in mint condition, on time, and graded by the three major grading companies in the world. Preservation of Wealth is the only gold and silver MLM to have all three, so it’s definitely the real deal.

Officially launched in July of 2011, I was encouraged to learn that Preservation of Wealth owner Justin Davis has extensive of experience in precious metals, was a top earner in a pre-existing silver MLM, and worked for many years as an industry consultant and programmer.

I prefer buying here as a customer because of the group buying power that I couldn’t find when I looked into all the other online retail gold & silver sources, as well as the MLM precious metal companies. For example, the others limit the number of MS70 Silver Eagle coins you can get to 1 per month because they’re rare. Preservation of Wealth doesn’t have these limits.

If you are looking into Preservation of Wealth from the timely opportunity it is to capitalize on a very crucial market need, here are some details for you to understand about their business plan.

The owners Preservation of Wealth have set the intention to make network marketing ‘simple again’ with their business opportunity.

Right out of the gate, POW offers those choosing to build the business or casually refer it, a $100 fast start bonus for each referral that gets started with their one-time $250 membership fee. There are no limits on the number of referrals one can get compensated for. You can also enroll as a Sales Representative for $49.00 without a wholesale membership with autoship.

However, after interviewing my industry friend and Preservation of Wealth CEO – Bill Constain, he advised me that Sales Reps who don’t pay the full membership will miss out on a host of new fast start bonuses and team rewards which will soon be added to the compensation plan.

To qualify for team commissions, you must refer three memberships. One of those may be from your own purchase of a membership but it’s not mandatory. You must also place the Business Volume (BV) of at least one Membership on your each of your teams. They feel that if you earn commission from a group effort, then you should contribute to that group.

Preservation of Wealth has a ’50/50 Binary’ compensation model. When you have at least 300 BV on one Team side and at least 300 BV on the other, you earn a cycle, which is a $100.00 commission. For comparisons sake, Numis Network (the other major coin/metals MLM pays $30 a cycle). Team Business Volume counts for you regardless of who makes the referrals. Maximum commission payout is $10,000 per week.

While you don’t have to participate in the Preservation of Wealth autoship program to benefit from wholesale prices, their ‘Optionship’ as its called, allows you to fully participate in the compensation plan and receive numismatic, graded coins. They are recognized as premium coins by the highest regarded grading companies in the world. Each coin is encased in a protective clear plastic slab to preserve its brilliance and quality.

Unlike Preservation of Wealth’s bullion coins that are sold at cost, proceeds for the ‘Optionship’ coins are paid back to the referral network in the form of BV. For those on this program, they will see 50 BV added to their team totals for every coin purchased on their groups, regardless of sponsorship.

Autoship didn’t used to be necessary to participate fully in the compensation plan, but in the interest of setting the stage for their distributors to make more money and put more back into the compensation plan, this policy was recently changed. Quite frankly, autoship is the ‘GLUE’ the network marketing industry together. Without this, Preservation of Wealth most likely wouldn’t be able to gain the momentum they desire.

On paper, the numbers put Preservation of Wealth ahead of the competition, both from a consumer and business builder standpoint, but what kind of legacy they’ll create is yet to be determined. Learn more about Preservation of Wealth on the first link if you haven’t done so already.

Go to my Blog below and you’ll also get my newest Ebook!

Source by David Emil Lombard

Preservation of Wealth (POW) - An Objective, Expert Review

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