Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Foreclosure Auction - A Buyers Market For Profitable Properties

Buying homes at foreclosure auction can make you very large profits. Some investors earn more then $75K on one transaction or you can buy the property for you and your family to live in and save the money. Conditions have to be right and the situation ideal of course to profit this much on a single property, it is possible though to make a substantial living on real estate investing. There is no better time then now, we are in a buyers market, with the increase in foreclosures in the US, there is an overwhelming number of “deals” available, you just need to know how to find them.

Investing in foreclosure bargains is not easy to do; some people make it sound like you simply walk over to the courthouse and make the deal. However, the trick is to purchase the home before someone else makes it his or her investment. Becoming a real estate tycoon is not about what you can afford, or what you are willing to spend, it is about the valuable information that you learn about a property. Research is a key factor to being a successful investing in the real estate industry.

While researching a potential foreclosure purchase, you need to find out some valuable information about the property. What you are willing to pay for a property and sticking to your limits is a great start, do not bid more then your research shows you should pay for the property. For example, if you research a foreclosure that has an estimated value is $250,000, once you deduct your renovation costs of say $30,000, this would still leave potential if you can purchase the home at auction for $140,000. Do not forget to calculate in the carrying costs, realtor fees and other expenses as you work out the budget and profitably of the purchase. Investing in foreclosures is about business, you are in it to make money, so make sure that you do your homework.

There are several key things to look for and research when looking purchase a foreclosure. Location is one of the firsts; it must be in a decent area if you expect to resell the home for a profit. General amenities such as grocery stores, banks, restaurants and other useful businesses is another thing to look for. People do not like to travel to far from home to get the basis things that one needs to live. The current market conditions play an important factor as well. If the employment opportunities are in distress, buyers may look elsewhere for a home.

Foreclosure listings can help you find properties that are in various states of foreclosure, the newest listing, in most cased, will allow the best opportunity to get buy them before someone else does. There are a growing number of websites that offer listings to homes in foreclosure; some sites give the basic information free, while most of them charge an access fee to obtain the detailed information such as lenders, default amounts and preliminary dates for auctions. This type of information is vital to the success of purchasing profitable properties; most of them will disclose secondary liens or judgments against the property that need to be resolved.

Wining a property at a public auction is not easy, but it is not impossible either. Proper and thorough research will go a longs ways in getting to the bottom of what you can and should pay for a foreclosure at auction. Set a budget, do your research and if it all works out on paper, then make a bid. Success at the auction is only, success, if the numbers work out and the property offers the profit potential that you have set your mind too.

Foreclosure Auction - A Buyers Market For Profitable Properties

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