Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Why You Should Invest in Silver Right Now

I strongly believe that silver is one of the greatest investment opportunities of the 21st century. It is not only an industrial element widely used in industry and medicine, but also an undervalued precious metal for the investment world.

Now I will tell you why silver is such an extraordinary investment opportunity:

#1 Silver Mining Insufficient to Meet Demand

The silver supply has not been able to meet the demand since early 1990s. For this reason, the squeeze in the silver price has already started to take effect and will only accelerate in the future. You can look at the historical price chart to see what I really mean.

For the last decade, we have been actually utilizing more silver than it has been taken out of the ground causing most of the surplus disappear which has existed from 1980s. In order to offset the deficit now, silver has to be taken away from the investors. And this can only be made possible if the price of the silver appreciates.

#2 Indispensable Metal

Unlike gold, silver is both precious and an industrial metal. It is very well known that almost all of the gold produced is still around, while the bulk of the silver mined is consumed and therefore not recoverable.

From digital cameras to computers, from cell phones to batteries, silver is used in almost every electronic device since it is the most conductive metal. In addition, silver is also widely used in medicine as it kills bacteria and is also harmless to human body.

#3 Worldwide Economic Growth

The worldwide demand for silver is rapidly increasing. As the global living standards are rising, so does the consumption of metals. This trend will increase the prices of industrial metals, especially the price of silver.

#4 Increasing Demand in Investing

The investment demand in silver is surging as the investment options like ETFs and other online investment tools are becoming more accessible to the people. I believe this is one of the primary reasons behind the increase of the silver price during the last decade. Everyday more and more people are trading stocks, bonds and electronic funds that are usually backed by physical commodities.

#5 Declining Value of Dollar

If you look at the current situation in the United States, the government has trillion dollars of debt and has been printing more money every single day. This increase in the supply of money will eventually hurt the value of the currency. As the buying power of the US dollar declines, silver will be more expensive to afford.

Now you know why silver is a very important strategic element that is becoming more valuable every day and why it represents a great investment opportunity for you. If you would like to know more about how you can start investing in silver, please see The Rich Blog

Source by Richard J. Smith

Why You Should Invest in Silver Right Now

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