Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Silver Shortage - Investment Opportunity

Does the current silver shortage represent an investment opportunity never before seen in the precious metals market? As worldwide currencies soften and inflation hits, many investors are finding their safe haven in silver coins and bullion.

Silver at $50 or less and ounce may be an extremely good investment opportunity for those who are aware of what’s going on in the precious metals world and, more specifically, the potential of silver to explode in value over the coming months and years. In fact, some predict that silver will reach the price of gold per ounce in the near future. This, of course, remains to be seen, but consider the following factors:

  • Silver has a longer history as a precious metal, means of exchange than does gold.

  • Most technology in use today depends in some way on silver.

  • Silver has unique properties not found in other metals; it is the best electrical connector, best thermal conductor.

  • The U.S. Geological Society recently reported that silver will be the first metal in the periodical table to go extinct, with no more to mine from the earth by 2020. This news was buried, and not widely reported, but is a fact.

  • To help meet demand, the price of silver will have to increase to the point that it is worth it to recycle disposable silver out of cell phone batteries, electronics, etc.

  • Silver that has already been thrown out or buried in minuscule amounts in landfills is not retrievable.

  • Silver will become more rare than gold at some point and the price will jump to match this reality.

  • Gold has no industrial applications, and is used primarily as a store for wealth, even in jewelry. Gold goes up only because people are using it to store value.

  • Silver is more accessible to the average household than is gold. Thus for the small investor, silver will be the metal of choice.

  • Every year we mine a mere 1/10 the reserve base of silver worldwide — which is a scarily low number.

  • We have to increase this resource dramatically or we are going to run out of silver. However, there is a limited supply on the earth.

  • Silver price controls are in effect — those who control the price of silver are working harder and harder to balance the supply against the current demand to keep the general public from realizing how much the dollar has been devalued and how much silver is actually worth.

Silver could be a huge winner — there is very little of it and we need it for everything that makes the modern technological world possible.

Source by Maria T. Miller

Silver Shortage - Investment Opportunity

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