One of the most popular ways to buy physical gold and silver is to purchase gold and silver coins. While there are many different forms of gold and silver coins, this article will focus on The American Eagle Coin.
Gold Eagles
Authorized by Congress in 1985 and first minted in 1986, each coin contains its full, stated weight, 22-karat standard established for circulating gold coinage 350 years ago. Any remainder consists of silver and copper, added to increase the Gold Eagle’s durability to help resist scratching and marring, which can adversely affect the resale value. Gold Eagles are rich in history, based on the American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ design for the prized 1907 $20 gold coin. The reverse pictures a family of eagles, symbolizing family tradition and unity. Most coin enthusiasts will typically own a few to it being their primary means to store wealth,
Silver Eagles
Authorized by Congress in 1985 and first minted in 1986, Silver Eagles are.999 fine silver, the finest silver coins ever issued by the United States. Each coin contains one full troy ounce of silver, plus copper, which is added to increase the coin’s durability to help resist scratching. Today silver is much more affordable than gold and silver eagles offer beginning investors an easy way to establish a position in the precious metals market.
Why I Prefer American Eagles
One measure of an investment’s value is liquidity: How easily can it be converted to cash? Gold and Silver Eagles, with their unique U.S. Government backing, can be sold for cash at most coin and precious metals dealers throughout the world. They’re also legal tender. Their one-dollar face value is largely symbolic, because Gold and Silver’s market price has historically been higher. Their weight, content and purity are guaranteed by the United States Government. So like the dollar, American Eagles are welcome in major investment markets worldwide. You can also include them in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Best of all when you go to sell them, there is no need to have them assayed. For this and the reasons above Eagles tend to be the most popular gold and silver coins and trade at a premium. A very common strategy is to store wealth in Gold Eagles and keep Silver Eagles for “walking around money.” Please note: There are a whole range of other gold and silver coins out there. Gold and Silver Eagles are extremely well recognized and happen to be one of my personal favorite ways to own gold or silver.
Where to Find American Eagles?
You can purchase Gold and Silver Eagles Coins from most major coin and precious metals dealers. Gold Eagles are minted in four weights – 1/10, 1/4, 1/2 and 1 ounce – to fit a variety of budgets. I would suggest building a relationship with 2-3 coon dealers in your local area so that you can pick up the phone and talk to someone when you decide it’s time to purchase more gold or silver coins. This will make the process much smoother for you vs. having to scramble. Like any investment, take your time when getting started and perform proper due diligence before working with any coin dealer.
Source by Mike St. John
Investing in Gold and Silver Coins - American Eagles
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